Mertech Blog

Open Tables Directly

Written by Mertech | Feb 27, 2008 3:24:00 PM

You can open an SQL table without having an INT file by using the Open method. Although you don’t need the INT file, an FD file is still required to compile your DF/VDF application.

Open Method Syntax

Open "<DriverName>:\<ServerName><DataBaseName>*<Owner>*<TableName>" as <TableName>

MySQLopen "MDSMYSQL:\localhostmertech*customer" as customer


MS SQLServerOpen "SQL_DRV:\MertechServerSQLServer2012MertechDB*dbo*customer"   as customer

open "MDSPGSQL:\localhostframework*customer" as customer

open "ORA_DRV:\ora11gmertech*customer"     as customer

Open As Option in VDF

You can also open an SQL table directly using the "Open As" option in VDF dbExplorer by typing the complete SQL table path.