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Group 762

Migrate and run DataFlex applications with Oracle, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL &  MariaDB.


Stuck in Crystal XI?  Upgrade and use the latest versions of Crystal Reports with DataFlex applications. 


Seamlessly convert from Btrieve transactional database to PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MS SQL Server.


Quickly build multi-protocol web services with the same API. Supports JSON-RPC, REST, SOAP,  Thrift, and gRPC.

 Group 671-1


Why Mertech?

Switch from  legacy ISAM databases without changing the application

Using Btrieve with COBOL, Delphi, VB, .NET, or other languages? BTR2SQL lets you switch to MS SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL seamlessly, without altering your code.

Read The Whitepaper



What is BTR2SQL?

Database engines that utilize the Index Sequential Access Method (ISAM) require an indexed database to retrieve records efficiently. They are known for their speed and are often a great fit for embedding into applications. Retrieving data in ISAM databases involves understanding data structures and writing custom code to access records. Some examples of ISAM databases include IBM Informix, C-ISAM, DataFlex©, Btrieve, Pervasive.SQL, and Zen transactional interfaces. On the other hand, in SQL or relational databases, anyone with the proper permissions can extract and manipulate data using a standard language known as SQL. Making the switch from ISAM-style databases to SQL can be challenging and may require a significant investment in application reengineering.

BTR2SQL is a powerful database migration tool and middleware (or database driver) specifically designed to streamline the process of transitioning from Btrieve and Pervasive.SQL transactional engines to work seamlessly with relational databases without the need for code-level changes. BTR2SQL supports migration to Oracle, MS SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.

Benefits of switching to a Relational Database from ISAM 

Group 664-1

Easy Management & Scalability 

Easy to manipulate, extract, manage, and replicate your data along with the ability to grow with your needs.  

Group 768

Lower Cost of Ownership

Adopt royalty-free PostgreSQL DBMS and deploy without restrictions with your applications.

Group 724
Better Integrations

Provide better integration with other applications, reporting tools, and cloud applications

Group 672
Improve Data Security 

Protect your customer's data with granular security and encryptions, which are core requirements of data protection laws, like GDPR.

Perform your first migration in minutes!

Database and application migration projects can get very complex.  We have made this process easy. 

Step 1: Use the BTR2SQL database migration tool to migrate your database (tables and indexes) to the target database.

Step 2: Once the migration is completed, validate your migration using the migration validator tool. 

Step 3: Just replace your existing DDL with the one provided by Mertech. You are ready to use your existing application with the new backend!  

Request BTR2SQL Trial   

5 min read

Why Migrate from Btrieve to PostgreSQL and other Relational Databases?

Introduction Many independent software vendors (ISV) and corporate users still rely on applications that use a category...
2 min read

Handling multi-directory data files with BTR2SQL

A common situation in applications using Btrieve, Pervasive.SQL, and Actian databases involves a multi-directory...
1 min read

How to Migrate From Btrieve to Oracle, MS SQL and PostgreSQL [Video]

Many independent software vendors (ISVs) and corporate end-users continue to rely on outdated applications developed in...

Btrieve, Pervasive SQL, and Zen are products and trademarks of Actian Corporation.