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Group 762

Migrate and run DataFlex applications with Oracle, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL &  MariaDB.


Stuck in Crystal XI?  Upgrade and use the latest versions of Crystal Reports with DataFlex applications. 


Seamlessly convert from Btrieve transactional database to PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MS SQL Server.


Quickly build multi-protocol web services with the same API. Supports JSON-RPC, REST, SOAP,  Thrift, and gRPC.

 Group 671-1


Why Mertech?

Cost-effective application modernization services

Keeping pace with new technologies is a challenge. The longer you wait, the more technical debt you accumulate, which can impact your ability to innovate and grow your business.   Mertech can help you jump-start your modernization journey!

8 benefits of application modernization


End-to-End Application Modernization

From database modernization to managed cloud deployment services

 Mertech has developed a unique blend of products and services designed to make application modernization painless and quick.  Moreover, our modernization process can be performed by junior-level developers without requiring domain expertise. 

Before-After Combined

Database Modernization

Run your  DataFlex,  Btrieve, Pervasive.SQL applications Oracle, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MySQL databases without the need to change your code. 

UI/UX Modernization

Great user experience is at the heart of any modern application. We have extensive experience in building modern, user-friendly user interfaces.

Refactoring / Re-architecting

Refactoring means reusing your existing code in a new architecture. Refactoring is the most cost-efficient and low-risk way to modernize. 

Cloud Deployment

As a Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS partner, Mertech can help you build scalable, secure, and cost-effective cloud architectures.


Why choose Mertech As Your Modernization Partner?

Mertech has been undertaking application modernization projects since 2010 when cloud computing started to take off. Our customers were looking for ways to move to the cloud but were tied to their desktop applications.  We developed tools and techniques that simplify repeatable tasks to reduce the amount of time it takes to modernize an application.   We augment your in-house development teams with knowledge, experience, and skills to speed up your transition to a modern application.  

Schedule a consultation


Mertech started working with us in the very early stages of building our cloud application. From designing our UI to deployment in the cloud, the Mertech development team played, and continues to play, a key role in helping us grow our business.
James Mitchell
Founder and CEO, Workshop Software
Mertech did what seemed like an impossible task of taking our Windows application with over one million lines of code and turning it into a SaaS product. We spent less than two man years of work, with most of that time going into building a new modern front end.
Henry Sheldon
CEO, Freight Management
There’s no doubt that Mertech saved us a lot of money and time during the launch of our new B2B portal! Because we were able to build APIs from our existing functions without learning anything new, we launched in record time, and we tied the new portal into our existing homegrown ERP systems seamlessly.
Coby Sparks

Are you an independent software vendor struggling to build a SaaS product?  If so, then Mertech's Path2Cloud solution specifically addresses the challenges software vendors face in building a cloud-based  SaaS product.  

Path2Cloud for ISVs   


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Our Resources on Application Modernization