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Application Modernization Trends: Tech & Tools to Consider in 2024

Application Modernization Trends: Tech & Tools to Consider in 2024

Gone are the days when application modernization meant endless overhauls and daunting transitions.  

Today, app modernization offers the seamless integration of advanced technology into legacy systems, enables cloud migration for data accessibility, and brings the power of DevOps automation to your fingertips.  

These application modernization trends are here to adapt to your needs, making the process smoother and more efficient than ever before. 

In this blog, we'll explore in-depth the 6 key application modernization trends that can help you transform your legacy systems and the different tools you can use. 

Let's dive in! 

Why Is It Important to Keep Up with Application Modernization Trends? 

Application modernization transforms outdated applications into modern solutions, and about 87% of IT executives recognize the need for legacy app modernization. 

But why does app modernization take center stage?  

Modernizing critical applications enables you to meet contemporary user demands and enhance your services.  Additionally, keeping up with app modernization trends helps you face and tackle the most common application modernization challenges as they arise. 

The outcome?  

Software primed for the digital age boasts improved scalability, enhanced security features, seamless user experiences, and simplified maintenance.  

This makes application modernization the shortcut to creating a robust software infrastructure and enabling your business to thrive amidst the digital revolution.  

The Current Market Trend for Application Modernization Technology 

In the world of app modernization, things are changing fast – and if you're not keeping up, you might fall behind.  

More and more businesses are realizing they need to give their software a modern twist to meet today's user needs. And that's where app modernization trends come into play. 

So, buckle up and get ready to explore the exciting world of legacy modernization trends and the main benefits of application modernization.  

1. Low Code & No-code Development 

Low-code and no-code development enables you to craft basic software applications easily, making it especially useful for those with limited programming skills. 

The prediction is that by 2025, 70% of apps will be created with low-code/no-code tools.  

So, why are low-code and no-code development at the forefront of mainframe modernization trends? 

  • Empowering devs: It's more than just beginners who benefit. Experienced developers can leverage low-code/no-code to expedite the creation of basic apps or simple components for larger projects. This efficient approach optimizes resources and your modernization efforts. 
  • Accelerating innovation: With low-code and no-code tools, you can speed the journey from an idea to a fully functional application. You can shape your dream app before passing it on to more experienced developers to fine-tune it.  
  • Closing the talent shortage gap: In an era of developer shortages, low-code, and no-code come to the rescue to handle more straightforward programming tasks. This way, you can alleviate the burden on the limited developer pool. 

2. Cloud-native Development 

Cloud-native applications are quickly becoming the industry standard. The prediction is that 90% of all apps will be cloud-native by 2025.  

Built on the foundation of microservices technology, these adaptable software solutions can undergo continuous enhancements—a critical aspect of ongoing application modernization.  

But what sets cloud-native applications apart?  

They offer a competitive edge by accelerating the release of new versions and updates while also providing cost-effective operations.  

Moreover, their inherent flexibility enables dynamic adjustments, reliable performance, and minimal downtime. And when it comes to their UX, they provide enhanced customer satisfaction and seamless experiences. 

3. Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) 

In the ever-changing world of application modernization, PWAs have emerged as a game-changer. These dynamic applications are designed to run seamlessly on any device, whether a mobile phone or a desktop computer, as long as it has an internet browser.  

The advantages of PWAs are clear:  

  • They prioritize speed, ensuring lightning-fast loading times that enhance user experiences. 
  • With an emphasis on performance, PWAs deliver exceptional responsiveness and seamless interactions. 
  • PWAs are efficient in data usage, making them suitable for bandwidth-restricted conditions. 
  • Keeping applications up-to-date is effortless with PWAs, eliminating the need for manual updates. 
  • PWAs offer universal accessibility, bridging the gap between various devices and platforms. 

Our team of application modernization experts created a complete guide on developing cross-browser web applications before, but you'll quickly discover that PWAs trends take that approach to even new heights.

4. Personalization and Data Tracking 

Personalization (often called the Internet of Behavior) empowers you to harness vast volumes of data. This data can be transformed into valuable insights about your users and operations.  

This comprehensive approach to personalization involves analyzing data from various sources, including sales insights from CRM software and patterns identified within ERP systems.  

You can tailor and enhance internal and external customer experiences with these insights. 

5. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Adoptions 

AI and ML can tremendously accelerate your app modernization process. These innovations work hand in hand with high-performance computing and data caching. This enables them to assess legacy applications, identify areas for improvement, and automate code refactoring and testing.  

The result?  

This reduces the workload on architects and developers, lowers the risk of suboptimal solutions, and results in high-performance, secure applications. 

Integrating ML and AI in data analysis, predictions, and automation further improves user experiences, aids automated decision-making, and provides efficient, personalized applications. 

6. Integrate App Modernization Framework with DevOps 

DevOps finds its natural fit in app modernization by fostering cross-functional teamwork between IT departments and the broader organization. This approach ensures that developers engaged in modernization align their efforts with the company’s larger business objectives. 

DevOps also addresses communication gaps and productivity bottlenecks, setting the stage for accelerated deployments, enhanced quality, and increased flexibility.  

Moreover, as cybersecurity concerns grow, DevOps emerges as a crucial trend in application modernization. By integrating security practices throughout the modernization process, you prioritize security in your modernized applications, guarding against potential vulnerabilities. 

Application Modernization Tools 

Application modernization tools are your ultimate assistants in the modernization process. 

From modernizing applications for the Cloud to AI-powered code refactoring, the application modernization tools available today can help you manage and streamline every step of the process.  

Here are some of the critical tools and technologies driving the application modernization trends of 2024. 

1. APIs 

Did you know that 85% of businesses believe that APIs are essential for their digital transformation initiatives?  

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) have become the backbone of modern application development. These versatile tools enable seamless communication between software components, allowing applications to interact and share data effortlessly.  

For instance, industry giants like Google and Facebook provide APIs that allow developers to integrate their services into third-party applications, expanding their reach and functionality. 

By implementing APIs strategically, businesses can unlock new revenue streams, enhance customer experiences, and accelerate innovation.  

Want to know more? One of our expert senior engineers walks you through a real-life example of application modernization through APIs and cloud solutions step by step.

2. Microservices 

Microservices architecture is revolutionizing how applications are designed and developed. Instead of monolithic, unwieldy applications, microservices break down complex systems into smaller, manageable services.  

The result? Increased agility, scalability, and fault tolerance. 

Moreover, this means your application can scale independently, so you can allocate resources where needed most, leading to cost savings and improved user experiences.  

The microservices approach empowers developers to work on smaller, specialized components (app modernization microservices), speeding up development cycles and facilitating continuous integration and deployment. 

3. Cloud Platforms 

Cloud platforms have become synonymous with application modernization. That's because leveraging the cloud offers unmatched flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency.  

Think about this: With cloud platforms, you can adapt to changing business demands in real-time, pay only for the resources you use, and ensure the availability and security of your applications.  

Additionally, leading cloud providers like AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud offer a wide range of services to support your modernization efforts.  

4. Data Migration Tools 

Migrating data is a critical aspect of application modernization, so having reliable data migration tools is a must. 

These tools can help you seamlessly transition your data from legacy to modern environments. Need an example? Check our guide on how migrating Btrieve to SQL becomes substantially easier with such tools.

Imagine the impact: Efficient data migration tools ensure data integrity, reduce downtime, and minimize the risk of data loss. With them, you can harness the full potential of data while modernizing your applications for improved performance and functionality. 

The Future and Rise of Emerging Technologies in Application Modernization 

As we look ahead in the world of application modernization, emerging technologies will be the driving force. Imagine applications that understand your needs, optimize processes, and provide personalized experiences.  

With AI and ML, this is becoming a reality. They empower businesses to gain deeper insights, automate tasks, and enhance decision-making. Applications will proactively identify bottlenecks, suggest optimizations, and predict maintenance needs.  

IoT is also changing the game. Applications will seamlessly integrate IoT data for predictive maintenance, smart automation, and improved user experiences.  

Blockchain isn't just for cryptocurrencies; it's about trust and security. Modern applications must always securely store data, ensuring integrity and transparency.  

As you can see, the future of application modernization is teeming with transformative potential. With AI, IoT, blockchain, and other technologies reshaping the landscape, staying ahead of the curve is imperative. 


Organizations can stay competitive, improve user experiences, and achieve cost efficiencies by embracing trends like cloud-native development, AI, and low-code platforms.  

Don't let your legacy systems hold you back. It's time to modernize and transform for the future.  

If you're looking for a reliable app modernization partner, Mertech is here to help. With our expertise, extensive application modernization services and our commitment to staying at the forefront of technology trends, we'll help you modernize your applications seamlessly. 

Schedule a Free Consultation


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the challenges faced during application modernization?

Application modernization often involves dealing with legacy systems, which can be complex and challenging to update. Some common challenges include:  

  • Integration issues 
  • Data migration 
  • Ensuring compatibility with new technologies 
2. What are the key application modernization benefits?

Application modernization comes with a wide range of benefits, including but not limited to: 

  • Improved scalability 
  • Enhanced security 
  • Reduced maintenance costs 
  • Ability to leverage modern technologies (e.g., AI and cloud computing) 
  • Better user experience 
3. Is application modernization suitable for all types of organizations?

Application modernization may not be suitable for organizations with very limited budgets, those planning to retire legacy systems soon, or those with unique requirements that can't be met through modernization.  

4. Are there any consequences or limitations in app modernization?

The consequences of app modernization are related to high initial costs, potential disruptions during the transition, and the need for staff training.  

Additionally, you have to deal with different constraints imposed by legacy systems and the extent to which modernization can address specific needs. To mitigate these obstacles, plan well before initiating an application modernization project. 


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